The research design of the project is split into four key strands:

Voluntary organisations: Helen will be working with several local voluntary organisations, including a food bank and credit union until Spring 2017.  These organisations have been chosen because thrift is central to their core beliefs. Through her work at these organisations Helen is looking to speak to volunteers and visitors about their experiences of being thrifty.

Households:  Helen is looking to recruit 30 households to be part of the study.  These households can be from any background, but need to live in the North West of England.  Over the course of 12 months Helen would look to speak to the households three times about their thrifty practices.

Workshops: By Summer 2017 Helen is hoping to hold two workshops bringing together voluntary organisations, their clients, research participants and other interested parties.  The aim of the workshops will be to discuss the findings of the research with a view to potentially improving services and local policy.

Mass Observation: Helen will also be working with Mass Observation to observe how thrift practices have changed over the last 30 years.
